(Video) Why Singing is a Therapy

If you’re a human, chances are you, you love music!

Music is a universal language that profoundly affects us in ways that other things can’t. Whether you’re a listener, a dancer, or the one making the music, no doubt about it — music makes us feel.

As we navigate difficult times, we can look back on how our ancestors faced human challenges. How people expressed themselves. How we’ve healed ourselves time and time again. Life is hard. And being a human right now (published in 2020) is something we’ve never had to go through.

But if there’s one medicine that’s been consistent throughout human history, it’s music. But moreover, it’s the use of our voice — an instrument designed to express.

Singing in the fields & factories.
Singing in the church.
Singing in the car.
Singing in the garden.
Singing in the community.
Singing around campfires.
Singing on the stereo.
Singing together.
Singing for you.

Singing is, and always has been, a therapy. But why?

Learn the 3 reasons why singing is a therapy:


One of the best things about music is that we don’t need anything to make it happen. No sheet music. No instruments. No words, even!

All you really need is your heart and your voice.


  1. Get out of your head & into your heart!
    The less you care about what you sound like, the more you can connect to how you want to feel.

  2. Sing for at least 3 minutes (the length of a song) out loud today.
    Get acclimated to your own voice and how it feels to sing “out in the open.” You got this!!

  3. Pick a song or make it up!
    If you pick a song to sing along with, be sure to turn down the volume so you can hear your own voice louder than the recording. (Don’t be hiding those beautiful pipes!) If you make it up, start with a simple melody of whatever comes out that day. Add words if/when you’re ready! Don’t judge yourself. ;)

Want some help getting started?
Sing along with these melody mantras anytime you need them.