(Video) 3 Ways to Feel Like Yourself Again

You know when its your birthday and people ask “how does it feel to be [x]?” I never really felt any different. (Does anyone, really?) Not until I turned 30.

Honestly, it felt like shit to be 30.

For weeks after, I was in one of my bigger funks of life. Actually, it was far worse than a funk. There were days where I didn’t know why I needed to get out of bed. What the hell was the point. Depression status.

I’ve been down this path before. Maybe you have too.

Most of us feel start feeling ‘off’ and let those days gradual take us into a depression. Others of us suddenly "wake up in a bad mood…that doesn’t seem to end. Either way, it’s easy to let our mind lose control and takes us down the scale of negative emotions.

It’s one thing to have an off day. It’s another to feel continual resistance. When we think critical thoughts, we don’t participate in the flow of life.

When I turned 30, my egoic mind freaked out. I didn’t have it all together. I was disappointed in how “not-far-along” I’d come. (Which is complete bullshit.) I wasn’t making any difference…what was the point?

In truth, I let my inner victim completely take over.

So over several weeks, I began self healing journey. I started deepening my spiritual practice. I let myself cry. I wrote and journaled and practiced mindfulness at a finer degree — curious of how my thoughts were affecting my feelings.

Not only did the space give me time to discover some of my unhealthy thought patterns, I allowed myself to feel badly. And here’s what I learned: There is something so freeing in allowing yourself to feel badly.

We’re so accustomed to thinking we can’t feel bad.
“Stop thinking those thoughts!”
“You’re horrible for thinking negatively!”

These thoughts are exactly what trap us in a state of resistance — of feeling “off” or not in our natural flow. When we think we shouldn’t be thinking or feeling a certain way — because of this, that or whatever — we lose touch with our inner compass.


Our feelings determine what we attract into this world.

This video isn’t a “quick fix” to help you feel better in 2 minutes or less. This is about getting clear about what’s going on SO THAT you can take action that feels aligned and inspired again. All it takes is one conscious moment at a time.

We got this!
xo Allie